How to make sense of it all? Life, experiences, relationships, serendipity, timing, missteps, leaps forward, bereavement, and joy. Art is the method, the solution and the revelation for artist DJE.
The artist explains, “Art is my way of externalizing how life seems to me as I look back on it and think about the energy of the people, the different periods, extreme changes, stagnations, successes and failures.”
DJE original art is an expression of these journeys, using shape, pattern, color and texture as a symbolic interpretation of how things felt at the time, a celebration of understanding. For DJE, the process of creation is path for personal understanding and clarity. If the art speaks to the viewer, if it captures your imagination, raises questions, evokes emotion, one man’s process may enlighten yours. In this way, art is personal and transcendent.
DJE original art embraces a material mix. Wood, fabric, and plaster on canvas morph in interesting combinations of form and color. Subject matter is abstract and familiar. Geometries are essential. Nothing feels static. All forms are dimensional.
“I know my life and many others around me,” explains DJE, “but they are all unique and a bit inscrutable. Creating physical interpretations – making art – simply fascinates me.”

London-born artist, David John Ebbetts signs on (and off) as DJE. Throughout his working life and quite organically, Ebbetts became known as DJE. The shorthand stuck. So, when Ebbetts put brush to canvas to sign his work, DJE flowed naturally. That’s the backstory, no secret cipher here, simply fitting and straightforward.
As an artist and a man, DJE likes to work things out. He’s keenly interested in design, mechanics and structure with a desire to understand. DJE art is a physical working-through of life experiences – love, loss, activity, inertia, inspiration, success and failure. DJE art is abstract, yet specific. Materials are mixed. Geometries and symmetries are explored. Wood, fabric, and plaster on canvas morph in interesting combinations of form and color.
Art is DJE’s passion. But just one. The artist is a seasoned furniture designer and entrepreneur. As David Ebbetts, he comprises the “English” half off the luxury art and interior design brand South + English with cofounder, life partner and fellow artist Palmer Linwood Smith.
Art is a solo creation, but DJE is naturally collaborative. Custom commissions are happily accepted and quoted individually. Collectors and interior designers are often drawn to DJE’s work, but wish to influence, size, color, materials and content. Enquiries are welcome. Reach out now:

Many DJE creations are conceived as pairs and even sets of four. They may be cast asunder and purchased individually.

London-born DJE travels broadly. He enjoys the company of friends, family, art, ideas and canines (especially Eden).

There are some among us (like DJE) who need to live with art. Good for your walls. Good for your soul.